When I was little I remember every June a Luna moth would arrive at the same spot on the exterior of our camp on Otis Mountain. For me, this meant the beginning of summer. It always blew my mind: how on earth had all of these awesome pistachio-colored moths - who didn't even share life at the same time - agree to come back to the same spot year after year??? It still blows my mind. (Any lepidopterologists out there who can shed a little light on this phenomenon?)
Anyway, I present to you the LUNA MOTH and the beginning of summer.

Luna Moth on the Sale Tent at The Birch Store
It was a long pupation,(a never-ending winter and an underwater spring can really slow a lass down!)but we've finally emerged! Let the Birch bLOG resume!
It's officially time for summer and all that comes with its glorious arrival: luna moths, sunshine, allergies(!), thunderstorms, flowers and NEW CLOTHES, NEW JEWELRY, NEW COLORS and ALL OF THE FABULOUS STUFF WE ORDERED at the gift show.
Let the fun begin!
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