Father's Day is tomorrow! If you're like me you basically never give presents on time (but you make up for it, by always giving great presents!) So, here it is, the "it might be late, but don't you just LOVE it?!!" Father's Day Gift Ideas:

Areaware Cherrrywood Cubebot Areaware Medium Magno Radio $275

Areaware Small Magno Radio $230
Areaware Micro Magno Radio $155

Rumba Mercer Watch $175 Tokyo Boy Brown canvas watch$62 Tokyo Bay Blue Canvas Watch$62
Tokyo Bay Striped Canvas Watch $62 Tokyo Bay Red Canvas Watch $62
1. The Areaware sustainably harvested cherrywood Cubebot.
This modern little rubix cube has amazing design appeal and is a super toy/desk distraction for any age.
2. Areaware Magno Wooden Radios
Made from naturally harvested new growth wood, these little AM/FM radios (with ipod jacks) have not only won multiple design awards, but deliver great sound!
3. Watches!
Father's day is synonymous with watches. It's just true, why fight it? These modern watches are affordable, and have a subtle modern cool. (The Rumba Mercer is also available in black with black face, white with white face and red with black face).
As always please call or email for further details, and shipping information:
518.576.4561 thebirchstore@gmail.com
hi, marian, i stopped in on monday and thought i'd say how wonderful the store looks. i blogged about it over at wake robin: (www.velmabolyard.blogspot.com) cheers!